Good job, you scholars who have commented thus far. I thought that several of you gave me some vary thoughtful answers. I'll be responding to each in turn. It make take me a bit to get to everyone, but I will. Let me encourage you to look beyond just the facts. Facts in this forum are to support your thoughts. When school starts, the writing and testing will provide the evidence of your close reading. Here you are free to discuss and debate elements of the novel such as theme. To do it well and intelligently, reading is a must. Basically, don't get so hung up on names. Seek the humanity that Achebe has embedded in the novel.
To this end I have several things I want you to discuss.
First, read the poem "The Second Coming" and discuss what you think this poem by a British poet has to do with an African novel.
What are Okonkwo's virtues and vices?
What do you think of a society that has a ritualistic form of suicide? What other societies can you think of that have one?
What is the difference between spirituality and religion? Can you have one without the other?
It goes without saying that I want concrete details to support arguments, but I said it anyway.
If your comments haven't shown up, I receive emails with them and I will figure out the bug.