Friday, June 27, 2014

A few thoughts on great literature


  1. Whenever someone says that they don't like reading it really lowers my opinion of them because, if you don't read, you don't learn. If you don't learn things you are ignorant and ignorance has no place in this world.

  2. Reading is very helpful for anything you want to do in the future. Reading is apart of everyday life and it also boosts your vocabulary and your knowledge. Without reading you would not learn anything new and helpful, reading is a resource that we all need no matter what.

  3. I think that everyone likes to read. They just need to find the right genre that fits them best. It would get that person like reading and then start to try new and different books.

  4. Reading is useful for a lot of things. Reading things such as the Bible can help you with tough decisions you need to make and reading can help you stay out of trouble. Your vocabulary and overall knowledge of things will improve greatly when you read. If you "don't like to read," it is probably because you have not found the true joy of doing so yet.

  5. Personally I have always thought that great literature expands the mind. The more of it the read, the smarter you will become. I believe that great literature builds on the thought and knowledge you have already acquired.

  6. Reading and the arts are the best tools that a person can use to help themselves. A good book can change someones life. A good book might change one of the lives of those prisoners. The more you read, the more you better understand things. If you don't read, then your opinions and ideas are limited.

  7. A belief that I hold is that studying of literature can boost your vocabulary and your knowledge and understanding of a certain topic. Many people claim that literature is not for them, but I think they just need to find the correct genre. They must also remember that literature is more than books.

  8. Seeing as all of the previous comments are all the exact same thing I'll take a different approach. I have read no books that I would consider to be great literature. I have read many award winning books, and while I appreciate a large majority of them, I consider none to be no better than those that have not been showered with awards. I have however seen other forms of great literature. There are songs (poems) that have left me stunned on every verse. I have read speeches that actually inspired me. I have a very pessimistic view of most of the things i read, so to actually make me feel your way about something while stating facts, is impressive.

  9. Great literature is an effective tool because it sharpens our perception of the world around us. Great literature has started wars and led revolutions. This country wouldn't be here without the influence of literature from enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke or Rousseau. Also, I don't think we should blame the person for not wanting to read. We should blame the world we live in today. With the help of social media, video games, and the internet. It's more tempting to spend our spare time on the phone than picking up a book.

  10. To me, Great Literature is timeless. It's lessons and themes are just as relevant today as they were when they were first written. It has to be well developed and have the ability to make you think, whether it's following the storyline of a character or pondering the works of philosophers. To Kill A Mockingbird is one of my favorite pieces of great literature.

  11. I believe that to learn many things in life you must read. There are some things that cannot be found on television and must be found in books. Many people will say they hate to read but really they just hate to learn in a "boring" way. Watching things on t.v is much more attractive than reading a book.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I think Great Literature is helpful in finding who you are as a person. When you read something, your imagination runs wild. I think the type of book you read says a lot about you. For example, I believe Sci-Fi/Fantasy books are for dreamers. These books open up your mind and allow you to imagine things you never would have thought of before. Everyone has a genre that's made for them. All you have to do is explore the options!

  14. I think Great Literature is a great why to sharpen the mind of young adults, and can help mold them to be more prepared for the world. It can help them succeed in college and in the real world.

  15. Reading is how we begin to learn while we are young and old. Without reading we would all be stuck without ever making progress to make this world a better place to live. Without reading we would not have great communication and without communication we would all be lost in a world of madness. Great Literature is one of the most important things needed in the world to become more knowledgeable and advance our society.

  16. Reading is a very important part of society. Without reading, we would never have a way to learn things except from word of mouth. If even the most civilized and most intelligent country became illiterate it would become a third world country in just a matter of a few generations.

  17. Reading is a great way to broaden our horizons and vocabularies. Reading can introduce you to things you would not have chances to experience otherwise. Also I think reading can help you become more creative and have better "on the spot" thinking skills, which is a very important aspect to society. Creativity is what will help our country be able to make our own products better and more efficient than other countries so that they will be purchased from us, growing our economy and lessening our debt.

  18. I believe that great literature is a very helpful tool in our society. Depending on the type of literature, one may be enhanced in their knowledge of the world and culture around us. However, literature can also be a good way to escape from the world and culture that we must deal with. Great literature is, in my opinion, a very valuable asset to have and can be hard to find. I personally do not enjoy many books, and when I find a book that I really like it is a great thing to me.

  19. Being literate is essential in life. When you read a good book, you put your whole self in that book. You put yourself in that main characters shoes. Most books will change your aspects on life. It gives you a break from your life and lets you see into other peoples minds. Great literature usually leaves you with so much new knowledge. If you really get into the book, it usually makes you look at your life differently. You tend to tackle challenges in your life differently. It's always good to get out of your life for a little bit and get into a good book. Great literature keeps your mind racing.

  20. Literature is very important to our future, our society, and our mind. Books and other great works of literature that covers our history can help us prepare for our future. It helps us understand ways to stop genocide, war, and other large events that can change the world. Reading any kind of literature can also help the human mind focus and expands our learning abilities. Reading a good book can also help a person "escape" into another world. The right book can help lower stress and calm anger once you get into it.

  21. What makes literature "great" can be completely different for each person. While I might not feel that every book I read is absolutely fantastic, someone else could pick one up I did not like and really enjoy it. Reading is a part of everything we do, and if you waste your time complaining about how much you hate reading instead of finding the right piece of literature for you, you miss out on an experience that could possibly change your life.

  22. Every person I have ever spoken with either loves or hates reading. Everybody needs to read. Reading helps your vocabulary,reading comprehension, spelling, and train of thought. Think of it this away, if you never read about anything you will not know what's going on around you.

  23. Literature is what helps the mind grow. The more you read, the more you know. For me it does not usually matter what I read I will always learn something from it whether it is about the world, other people, or understanding myself. Great Literature will take you into a completely different world and teach you things about life, and love, and other people. You will be able to identify with the characters and their life. Great Literature is an amazing escape from life and will help you mature and learn how to deal with the new things that happen in your life.

  24. Literature is great. Reading and informing yourself can help you in many ways. I believe that there is a book for everyone. Meaning, even if you don't like to read, there is at least one book for you. At least one book you will like. Many people do not give literature a chance. Reading can really be eye opening for some. It informs you of other cultures, other beliefs, and other people like you. It's good to read; it shows you that there are other people in the world besides yourself.

  25. Literature alone is something that can enhance your knowledge and deepen your vocabulary, but great literature expands the mind and enhances your knowledge on a deeper scale. It can keep your imagination alive as well as keep you sensible and knowledgeable to the things going on around you.

  26. Reading not only enhances your vocabulary ,but it also changes you. For instance when you read a certain line in a book that is so well written you have to put down the book and savor what you just read. To me there is nothing better than picking up a good book and getting lost. Great Literature isn't that hard to find just pick up a book and feed your brain.

  27. I think literature is kind of like the essence of the mind and how we really express ourselves and form our own opinions and ideas. If people never wrote anything down, we would not really be able to understand and comprehend people's ideas. Spreading ideas through literature is how we as human beings grow and learn.

  28. Reading is a way to increase your vocabulary and learn things about the world. Great literature can really teach you things that you may have never learned otherwise. Reading can make you smarter and increase your writing and speaking skills which will help you in many situations throughout your life.

  29. Reading is a way to explore your mind, to get visions unlike anyone else. Everyone sees a book in a different way & that is what makes it unique. You get drawn to the characters like you know them in the real world. Literature is just amazing by itself.

  30. Literature is something that helps your mind and your vocabulary grow. However, great literature will teach you things about life and helps you mature. When you read something great, you put yourself in that characters shoes and in the situations that they are going through. This helps you learn how to deal with things that may happen in your lifetime.

  31. Literature is helpful to us, because it strengthens our vocabulary and our mind. With great literature you can be introduced to many new things in life and about yourself.
